Discovery Telecom
Advanced radio and satellite solutions
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BGAN Explorer 700/710 Thermo Cover

BGAN 710 Thermo Cover
Price 380 $
Other currency 350 ˆ

Main characteristics
Vendor Cobham
Category Accessories
Power source 220V, Cable 2x0.75 mm
Weight 0.3 kg
Shipment Worldwide

The main functions and characteristics

The thermal cover for the antenna unit of the terminal is designed to ensure operation in winter conditions when the antenna is remotely mounted. With proper installation and operation of the heating device kit in automatic mode, the operability of the Inmarsat BGAN Explorer 710 satellite terminals at a temperature 
outside air: from plus 60 ° Ñ to minus 70 ° Ñ.

The thermal cover is made of a special water-repellent fabric with polyurethane impregnation. The thermal cover consists of a flexible heating element, heat-resistant protective inner layers and an outer cover. To prevent overheating, a bimetallic switch is installed inside the thermal cover.

The thermal cover is easily mounted and fixed with Velcro straps.
The heater control unit turns on and off the supply voltage to the heating elements of the thermal cover depending on the outside temperature and maintains the operability of the protected device when the outside temperature drops to minus 70 ° C.

The kit includes:

- Network stabilized power supply 220V;
- Cable 2x0.75mm connecting the thermal cover and the power supply unit;
- A set of special insulated connectors.